Visitor Policy and Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
Dear Parent/Guardians:
Respect for others and personal responsibility are some of the most important principles upon which GVA Aurora is founded and upon which the school rules that students at school are expected to follow are based upon. Parents play a formative role in the development of their child's sense of justice, equity, and the dignity and worth of all members of our school community. As one of the most influential role models in a child's life, one of the best ways for a parent to teach is to lead by example. Accordingly, GVA Aurora expects the behavior of each parent/guardian and responsible adult with children enrolled at our school to adhere to the standards of conduct and to our Visitor Policy.
The Board believes that community members who visit the school are more likely to become involved in the school. This is beneficial to both GVA and to the community at large. In order to ensure that no unauthorized persons enter buildings, all visitors to school buildings during regular business hours must enter through the main/front entrance and report to the main school office, where they shall show proper identification, describe the nature of their visit, sign in on the GVAA -approved sign in/out log, and receive a visitor’s pass authorizing them to proceed. Visitors are encouraged (but not required) to call ahead. If a visitor is given a visitor’s pass, the visitor thereby has given the “reasonable notice” required under this policy. Visitors must sign out at the main school office or district office upon leaving the building.
In accordance with Colorado state law, principals or their designees may require any persons to leave school property if the principal has reason to believe that their presence presents a risk of disrupting any of the functions of the school or undermining the safety of the school environment.
If the principal determines that a visit at a later time would be more appropriate, the principal shall specify the earliest date/time, and the visitor may return. If necessary, the principal may also identify conditions (including behavior expectations) under which the visitor ma
(a) When visiting or volunteering at the school parents should observe all rules of the school, including checking in at the office.
(b) Parents must make appointments to meet with their student’s teachers. Parents can send communications directly to teachers through their emails.
(c) If a parent feels that the actions of another child have infringed on the rights of his or her child under no circumstances shall the parent or guardian approach another child while at school, to discuss the situation with the child. The parents may call/email the classroom teacher and/or the parent may directly approach the child's parent or guardian to seek a peaceful resolution to the situation, outside of school hours.
(d) If a parent has questions or issues relating to the classroom or a class they should first be addressed directly to the staff member in question. Parents are requested to set up a private meeting where the concerns can be discussed and the actions giving rise to such concerns may be explained.
(e) All communications regarding issues with other parents or staff at the school or school events shall remain respectful and address the issues at hand. Yelling, taunting, threatening or abusive behavior, cursing, foul language, or derogatory remarks are not acceptable means of communication. Parents are expected to resolve issues through calm dialogue between the parties directly involved while respecting the dignity of others.
(f) Parents shall protect the reputation and good name of people involved. Problems, differences of opinion and personality clashes are not resolved by involving other people in a disagreement or by taking sides in the argument. Problems should not be casually discussed with other parents in the school or published over email or any social media, but should be dealt with one-on-one with the person or persons whom the parent has an issue with.
(g) It is easy for opinion and perception to be mistaken for fact and rumors to be perpetuated by inaccurate information. Parents are expected to approach the relevant personnel within the school to verify the factual basis of a story should they have any question. This approach can quickly and simply clarify the events in question and the intent involved and will minimize inaccurate information being passed throughout the community.
(h) Parents are expected and required to follow the Parent/Student Grievance Process of the GVA Aurora Policies in order to resolve an issue with a staff member at GVA Aurora. This policy requires that the issue first be addressed with the staff member directly and an attempt made to resolve the same. If the parent does not reach a satisfactory resolution, they shall put their concern in writing, and then proceed through the appropriate supervisory personnel, as necessary. A full copy of the policy may be obtained in either school office or on the school website.
(i) If a board member, staff member or administrator has cause to believe that a parent has instigated or perpetuated inaccurate information that is damaging to the reputation of the staff member, in violation of this Parent Code of Conduct, such board member or staff member may request in writing to the Board for mediation with that parent. Should the Board determine, based upon the information presented, that mediation is warranted the Board will designate one or more impartial individuals to mediate the issues between the staff member and parent, which shall be conducted within 30 days following the determination of mediation. In accordance with the Parent Code of Conduct Compliance, if a parent does not adhere to the Parent Code of Conduct, the administration may take any of the following actions, as deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances:
(1) End a meeting with the parent
(2) Give the parent a verbal warning
(3) Ask the parent to leave the school campus
(4) Issue a Trespass Notice
(5) Take legal action including, but not limited to calling the police
C.R.S. 18-9-109 (interference with school staff or students)
C.R.S. 18-9-110 (trespass, interference at or in public buildings)
AURORA PUBLIC SCHOOLS APS Code: KI Adopted October 1982 Revised February 1992 Revised November 2000 Revised June 2007 Revised January 2014 Reviewed February 2016 Revised April 2018
C.R.S. 18-9-112 (definition of loitering)
C.R.S. 18-9-117 (unlawful conduct on public property)
C.R.S. 18-12-105.5 (unlawful possession of weapons on school property)
C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (7) (Board must adopt open school policy) CROSS REFS.:
ADC, Tobacco-Free Schools
KDD, Media Relations
KFA, Public Conduct on School Property
ECA/ECAB, Security/Access to Buildings