Parent Resources » Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented

My name is Leah Woolington, and I am the Gifted and Talented Coordinator at GVA Aurora.
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to collaborate with this incredible group of students, faculty, and parents.
Leah Woolington
Gifted and Talented
Phone: (720) 964-2017

Every gifted student needs to be valued first as a person and then as an individual who needs

Quality learning experiences that challenge and enrich their

Understanding of the world around them and facilitate the delicate

Intricacies of how their lives are woven into the

Tapestry of life that may confront them with joys as well as disappointments

Yet provides them with the resiliency to lead fulfilling lives.


~Patricia S. Rendon

Global Village Academy prides itself on recognizing and valuing the diverse nature of our student body and each individual's abilities, interests, and needs.  We are committed to providing students with the systems and programming that foster a safe learning environment where individual abilities and gifts can grow.  Our mission is to ensure that all students have access to opportunities that will challenge them and encourage innovative thinking through a combination of specialized curriculum, support, and advocacy.

We identify students through a variety of criteria with numerous data points:


The qualifications listed below are the determining factors listed by the Colorado Department of Education. Qualifications are referenced in 1 CCR 301-8, ECEA Rules, 12.01


Intellectual Abilities

  • 95th percentile and above on normed referenced cognitive abilities tests (Example: CogAT or Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT)


  • 95th percentile and above on norm-referenced or criterion- referenced standardized (Examples: CMAS, iReady, ACCESS)

Demonstrated Performance

  • Distinguished level of performance (Examples: Juried performance, advanced portfolios)


  • Observation of behaviors or motivation with outstanding or exceptional factors. (Examples: Kingore Observation Inventory)

Parents, teachers, students, and administrators can make referrals for “Gifted and Talented” services using data-driven observational data.

  • All second and seventh-graders will be screened for gifted and talented services.
  • A potential student needs to have a combination of 3 other points in the categories of Criterion- or Norm-referenced Achievement Test, Norm-referenced Observation Scale, or Performance Evaluation.
  • The results of this test will be used to help identify the abilities and aptitudes of our students and can be used to make programming and curricular adjustments for the students.
  • Parents will be notified of their child’s test result within thirty calendar days.

If you want to nominate your child for gifted and talented, please fill out this form

In our classrooms, many students may not be formally identified as gifted but still demonstrate high potential as learners, leaders, and creators. These students also need appropriate programming, including opportunities to engage with a rich and challenging curriculum that nurtures their abilities and brings their potential to the surface. By closely monitoring their progress, educators can better support their development and, in some cases, identify them for gifted programs.


Early Access program allows highly gifted students to enter Kindergarten (4 years old before Oct. 1st) or First Grade (5 years old before Oct. 1st) ahead of schedule to meet their educational needs and abilities.