Student Conduct Policy
Global Village Academy’s (GVA) Student Conduct and Discipline Policy is based on the principle of civil obedience and mutual respect for all mankind, including obedience for school leadership. Every student is expected to follow accepted rules of conduct and to show respect for and to obey persons in authority at the school. Learning to respect fellow students from all cultures, teachers and other school personnel, and all those with whom students come into contact in and out of the school community, is an essential lesson to qualify one for the duties of citizenship. This policy applies to conduct at school, at school-sponsored activities and events (whether or not the school-sponsored activity or event is on or off campus) and under circumstances where off-campus behavior is detrimental to the welfare or safety of others.
GVA has adopted a Positive Behavior Support model to ensure students have every support necessary to thrive in the school setting. The discipline model is based on a three tiered system.
Tier 1
- Minor infractions and usually addressed within the classroom.
- Infractions are of a more serious nature, or for more habitual tier 1 behavior.
- Infractions of this nature are sent to the Principal for disciplinary action and a meeting is set up with the parents.
- The student is placed on an intervention plan.
Tier 3
- Infractions are serious in nature, or habitually disrupting the academic learning or the interventions are having no effect on the target behavior.
- The Principal and other administrative staff, along with the parents, will meet to discuss further action.
- GVA has a no tolerance policy on bullying.
- Bullying discipline falls within the 3-tierd Positive Behavior Support protocol.
- Please notify your teacher or the Principal immediately if your student reports bullying behavior.
Bullying Prevention & Education
The purpose of this policy is to define bullying behavior, to encourage students to report bullying behavior, to promote consistency of approach and to help create a climate in which all types of bullying are regarded as unacceptable.
- Bullying is any word, look, sign or act or pattern of such behavior that inflicts or threatens to inflict physical or emotional injury or discomfort upon another person’s body, feelings or possessions.
- For purposes of this policy, the school environment includes school buildings, grounds, and vehicles, crossing walks, parking and all school-sponsored activities and events.