Calling All Artists! We are inviting students in all MS grade levels to show their school spirit by designing the front cover for the 2024/2025 yearbook!
Yearbook Cover Contest Rules
- Artwork should be drawn on 8 ½ x 11 white cardstock– no lined paper, or printer/copy paper, please. All designs must be VERTICALLY oriented. Colored Pencil and Marker only.
- Must Include in words the theme: Bilingual is our superpower!
- Include an eagle somewhere in your illustration.
- All artwork must be original works from the student and phrases must be school-appropriate. No copyright artwork will be accepted.
- Submit your designs to the Front Desk by 3:00 PM, Friday, April 4th.
- One 1st place winner will be chosen and win a free 2024-25 yearbook ($20 value).
- On the back of your drawing you must write lightly in pencil your full name and grade.
- Only 1 submission per student.
Students should submit their artwork with the submission form to the front office or Lorraine Hess by April 4th.