From the Principal

On Sunday, June 2, 2019 we organized a retreat off campus at the Aurora Fire Department #11 to retune, understand, and realign our mission statement, vision statement, and values to better improve our energies and goals for GVA-Aurora. The work was very productive and very revealing in the direction we need make sure our campus goes. The outcomes so far have been very helpful in setting a new tone for our campus. We look forward to the next steps with our complete staff in this process. We are committed to making sure our children are given the highest level education to our charter. 
We have attached our PowerPoint and notes from this retreat and will always make this available to you as our GVA - Aurora Family. If you have questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or appointment.
“Thanks Again” and we all look forward to the upcoming year!
Chris Denmark
Executive Principal & Middle School Principal, GVA Aurora