Board of Directors » Board of Director Members

Board of Director Members

Carol RiegerPresident
Carol Rieger

Carol Rieger has served as a member of the Board of Directors since April 2018, having
previously served as a member and chairperson of the GVA-Aurora School Accountability Committee. A GVA parent since 2012, Carol strongly believes that the school provides quality education and offers a rare experience to students, families, and the community in its mission of foreign language immersion.

Growing up in the Denver area, she was exposed to foreign languages from junior high school
through college where she studied Russian and has dabbled in French, Spanish, and Italian.
Carol earned her B.A. in Geology from Western State College of Colorado (now Western
Colorado University) and is a licensed Professional Geoscientist (PG) and certified Project
Management Professional (PMP). For more than 30 years, she has worked as a consultant in
the environmental and hazardous waste remediation industry and happily serves as the
Program Hydrogeologist with the U.S. Army's Operations and Maintenance Contractor at the
Rocky Mountain Arsenal.

In addition to her volunteer duties with GVA-Aurora and its Board of Directors, Carol serves on
the Board of Directors for the Global Village Academy Collaborative and Western Colorado
University Foundation.

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Dr. Jeriod Patterson

Dr. Patterson is an entrepreneur and a small business owner in Aurora, Colorado. Jeriod chairs the board of directors for the GEH scholarship endowment and serves as a board member for the Delta Eta Boule Foundation and the Alpha Community Education Initiative.  Dr. Patterson believes that every student should receive an excellent education, and his vision is to advance educational resources, policies, and practices to improve the quality of life in our communities.

Educationally, Jeriod received his B.S. in Systems Engineering from the University of Arizona, M.A. in Space Systems Management from Webster University, M.A. in Business from Webster University, and a Doctor of Management from Colorado Technical University.

Jeriod also serves as a steward at Shorter Community AME Church. He is married to the lovely Dr. Jeanette R. Patterson and has a beautiful daughter, Seantay, who is a proud graduate of Eaglecrest High School and Adams State College.

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Khristine Cordero